Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hello. This is my first blog post, which should have been completed two days ago. Oh well.

The purpose of this blog is to document my future study abroad experience in Osaka, if you couldn't guess from the title. Keeping a journal or blog is a requirement for the study abroad program. I was suppose to start on Tuesday because that is when I had my interview for the program. That is sort of the first step to studying abroad and I was told I should document it. That is assuming I got it. The interview went very well in my opinion, so I am confident that I got in. It also helps that only four other people applied and there might be a spot for all of us. Hopefully that will be the case.

It was a pretty laid back interview. It was a group one so that made it a lot less nerve wracking. We were asked our academic goals and personal goals we wanted to achieve from a program, and why we chose Osaka, Japan. Since I had planned to go on this trip since high school and I am a Japanese Studies major, these questions were a breeze.

We also talked about what to expect in Japan. For example, Japanese people will openly stare at you if you are a foreigner. Also, Japanese people will be amazed if you know anything at all about their culture, like they'll be shocked if you can use chopsticks. The host families sound like fun as well. I'm really looking forward to this trip! :D

I'll be back soon to post some pictures from my neighborhood and DePaul.


  1. lol fun as ell? I guess if your teachers or whoever are gonna read this then you don't want to swear? Or just a type?

    Anyway, good job on finally posting here. Are those just stock pictures in the slideshow? Somehow I don't think you had the chance to visit mountians in the last few days.

  2. whoops, i meant "typo" not "type"
