Friday, March 13, 2009

Update! Important Update!!

Just got this in an email today:

"Dear Study Abroad Applicant,
I am happy to inform you that you have been accepted to the 2009-2010academic year Study Abroad Program to Osaka. Your participation in thisprogram is an exciting opportunity for you to advance your academicinterests, expand your global identity, and explore some incrediblelocations. I am confident that you will be an excellent representativeof DePaul University while abroad."

=D I am so happy and excited and relieved and just feel good in general. It's finally official. I am going to Japan in the fall. Now I can get started with finding flight information, scholarships, recommendations, all the "fun" parts of the program. But it means I'm moving forward. Eee I'm so excited I don't even know what else to say.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Quick post since I haven't yet made a new one. Right now, I'm waiting for my class to start so I can present my beautiful website on the topic of, you guessed it, OSAKA! I pretty much try to incorporate Osaka in any class project ever. It's actually not that great of a website since I basically just threw it together a few days ago. I wasted most of my time working with a different concept and design that ultimately got scrapped. Here's the link if you want to check it out:
Be kind, I'm a beginner. And I plan to revamp it once I have more information to put in.

I'm also waiting to for school to finish so I can dash to the nearest Borders and buy Watchmen so I can read it again and again and again! I read it for the first time last week, then watched the movie and now I am in love. SO I am waiting for that. I need it! I want to read it on the way home today!

But really I'm waiting for confirmation that I am actually studying abroad this fall. I mean I really want to know so I can start preparing or change the name of the blog (I REALLY hope I won't have to do the latter). *whines* I know it's only been a week since the interview but I'm tired of waiting!

Well gotta go to class. I plan to present the hell out of my website.
*checks email incessantly for study abroad confirmation*

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hello. This is my first blog post, which should have been completed two days ago. Oh well.

The purpose of this blog is to document my future study abroad experience in Osaka, if you couldn't guess from the title. Keeping a journal or blog is a requirement for the study abroad program. I was suppose to start on Tuesday because that is when I had my interview for the program. That is sort of the first step to studying abroad and I was told I should document it. That is assuming I got it. The interview went very well in my opinion, so I am confident that I got in. It also helps that only four other people applied and there might be a spot for all of us. Hopefully that will be the case.

It was a pretty laid back interview. It was a group one so that made it a lot less nerve wracking. We were asked our academic goals and personal goals we wanted to achieve from a program, and why we chose Osaka, Japan. Since I had planned to go on this trip since high school and I am a Japanese Studies major, these questions were a breeze.

We also talked about what to expect in Japan. For example, Japanese people will openly stare at you if you are a foreigner. Also, Japanese people will be amazed if you know anything at all about their culture, like they'll be shocked if you can use chopsticks. The host families sound like fun as well. I'm really looking forward to this trip! :D

I'll be back soon to post some pictures from my neighborhood and DePaul.